Sketchup for schools lesson plans
Sketchup for schools lesson plans

sketchup for schools lesson plans sketchup for schools lesson plans

This can be coupled with the Stormwater Runoff exercises, Water Quality, Mapping, and Geocaching lessons found in this curriculum.

  • Habitat Remediation Plan (Make A Frog Park)- students demonstrate their understanding of the ecology of wetlands, ponds and streams by creating a virtual habitat suitable for populations of frogs or toads.
  • This will require an understanding of the ecology of frogs and toads, as well as an assessment of what constitutes high quality habitat in need of conservation or low quality habitat in need of remediation.
  • Habitat Mapping- students create a map of potential habitat near their schools or in their communities.
  • Species Descriptions- students create an e-field guide to demonstrate their knowledge of the taxonomy, biology, and habitat requirements of the frogs and toads they are studying.
  • sketchup for schools lesson plans

    We discourage the use of Wikipedia, which is not a scholarly scientific source, and provide links to examples of appropriate sources. Students should be told that they must document their sources, including images.

  • Research- information and links are provided to help students research out the biology of the six species that occur in the Kansas River corridor (on, in or along the river proper).
  • This unit consists of four parts, the first of which is preparation for the three exercises that follow: Each one has a unique and interesting way of life that we will study in these lessons. There are six species of frogs and toads that live in and along the Kansas River. (A good example of this can be seen in the projects that are being built in Johnson County and you can show the BMP tour as an example.) This gives us a wonderful opportunity to think of ways to simultaneously improve frog and toad habitat while reducing flooding and water pollution, which is a real win-win situation. The good news is that many communities are beginning to take measures to regulate stormwater runoff. Frogs and toads are especially vulnerable to habitat loss and pollution because they live in both aquatic and terrestrial habitats, as well as "in between" habitats like wetlands and the riparian zone along streams, which are the most heavily impacted habitats of all. They are being harmed by loss of habitat, chemicals in stormwater runoff, and from hunting for food or for medical and educational use. Frog and toad populations are in serious trouble everywhere.

    Sketchup for schools lesson plans